Friday, October 06, 2006


Hey,This isn't a proper post, new layout up, whee. I'm not sure many of you will like it, but it's going to have to do until I have the time to make a proper one. Though the layout before was pretty i-don't know-what-to-say, some of my friends pointed out that it wasn't very nice and the layout is boring and plus it wasn't very 'me', which I realised after that point. That added to the fact that I've noticed the same layout on loads of other sites.Well, if this isn't me, I don't know what is. The people to your right *points* are some of my friends. The new layout may not be the best ones but they mean lots to me because of my hard work editing the whole bloody thingi, so, da dum. Anyway, will probably change in a while, don't crib about the colours. Tis close to midnight, so me off for now.. Hit comment boxes and tell me what you think. Byez.


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