Thursday, July 27, 2006


Today is Thursday, 27th July, 2006.
Millions of babies took their first breath of air today.Millions of people took their last breath today.Today may have been a very special day in the lives of many, many people. But for me, what is today?Just another day. Just another ordinary day, wake up early, go to school, attended meeting, study for a while, and then here i am, back Home. Blogging. After today gets over, it will disappear. Thursday, 27th july 2006 will disappear into the nothingness that most of the days of my (almost) 18 years of life have dissapeared into. A few years back from now, I won't remember today.WHY? Because I haven't made today something for me to remember.I have not lived my life to day in a way that will make me look upon this day as.....anything.
It's not that I want to remember today as the day of a particular occurance or incident.That I can't expect. And I'm not looking for fun either. I want each and every single day of my life to stand out because of a feeling.The feeling that I could not have lived that day any better or any more.The feeling that I could not given myself anymore in life because of the way that I have been throughout the day.The feeling that I have given the world my 100% all through that day.
but how? Everyone need to eat,sleep.I definitely need to study,I do whatever I have to, I waste some time. Even if I think back, I don't see what I could done differently today.Wake up earlier?study more? I know that I will not go to sleep tonight feeling satisfied with my day.I know that I will feel that there is something missing, that there is something more that i could have done. But what is that something? I have no answer.
The more I think about it, the more I realize just how short life is. The past few years of my life have gone past in a flash.The next few will too. Where will I be? What will I be doing? There are questions that only time can answer. And i'm not in a hurry. But my fear is that I will wake up one morning, say 15 years from today, and I will think to myself that I have not given myself what I deserve. That I am not being what I can be, what I'm capable of being.And that July 27th,2020 will be another day that dissapears into nothingness without that feeling.
LIVE- it's a funny word.Most people don't live.They just exist.I don't want to be one of those people.I want to live.LIVE.I want to give myself everything I can.
Excuse my rambling.There are too many thoughts in my head.I don't know if this post has made even a bit of sense.
I once heard that every single person starts dying from the moment they're born.It's true.Think about it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. Ya know... suddenly I was just thinking about few years back where we were classmates. Everything was just so different. Not that you have changed but you've become more mature in a way. For someone to think about life now is very special because most ppl are just trying to 'enjoy' life. Its tru that it is important. But to see you think like that, I'm amazed and glad MY KO has GROWN UP!!!!! LOL, hahahaha. Anyways, don't worry too much. As long as you're in this world, troubles will always be there. No one can run away from it. So if there's anything at all, you can always come to me if you want to. :-) Sincerely...

10:16 AM  
Blogger liya said...

@eva..thankz for reading my thoughts!"KO HAS GROWN UP"..i'm glad to hear that from you,eva.Life is a tough road sometimes..we have to bear with it..nothing more nothing less. *hugs*

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:57 AM  
Blogger liya said...

THANK U...anonymous!

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

6:09 PM  

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