Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Today...i'm really bored so i have decided to write something about my life(err more like my life for diz week).It has been really hard because of my form6 classes..The subjects are equally hard and basically i'm taking the following subjects---->business studies,general studies,economics,english and history. Well..right now..i'm having holidays for 2!! hurray!! But then happiness won't last longer right?? I have got loadz of assignments and studies to be done to...arghhhhh.....!!! Today i have been lazing around the house and right now i'm feeling guilty for not studying. What is studying and how to study? This question occured in me for quite sometime.Well, so i have again decided to find out what is studying and how to study?`...according to is

To apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject).
-To read carefully.
-To memorize.
-To take (a course) at a school.
-To inquire into; investigate.
-To examine closely; scrutinize.
-To give careful thought to; contemplate: study the next move.
My point here is how do we study?? by memorizing...( don't expect me to memorize da whole stack of history book) investigating( not a CSI member)...
so yah i have decided to find out how to when i was browsing through the net...i came across this useful method of studying.....

A Strategy for Reading Textbooks
SQRW is a four-step strategy for reading and taking notes from chapters in a textbook. Each letter stands for one step in the strategy. Using SQRW will help you to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. The written record will be valuable when you have to participate in a class discussion and again when you study for a test. Read to learn what to do for each step in SQRW.
Survey. Surveying brings to mind what you already know about the topic of a chapter and prepares you for learning more. To survey a chapter, read the title, introduction, headings, and the summary or conclusion. Also, examine all visuals such as pictures, tables, maps, and/or graphs and read the caption that goes with each. By surveying a chapter, you will quickly learn what the chapter is about.
Question. You need to have questions in your mind as you read. Questions give you a purpose for reading and help you stay focused on the reading assignment. Form questions by changing each chapter heading into a question. Use the words who, what, when, where, why, or how to form questions. For example, for the heading "Uses of Electricity" in a chapter about how science improves lives, you might form the question "What are some uses of electricity?" If a heading is stated as a question, use that question. When a heading contains more than one idea, form a question for each idea. Do not form questions for the Introduction, Summary, or Conclusion.
Read. Read the information that follows each heading to find the answer to each question you formed. As you do this, you may decide you need to change a question or turn it into several questions to be answered. Stay focused and flexible so you can gather as much information as you need to answer each question.
Write. Write each question and its answer in your notebook. Reread each of your written answers to be sure each answer is legible and contains all the important information needed to answer the question.
As you practice using SQRW, you will find you learn more and have good study notes to use to prepare for class participation and tests.
HINT: Once you complete the Survey step for the entire chapter, complete the Question, Read, and Write steps for the first heading. Then complete the Question, Read, and Write steps for the second heading, and so on for the remaining headings in the chapter.

I think this is a very good method of studying..!!
but then i'm still not satisfied with this!!!!! :P...SO, what is the real method of studying?? HELL YEAH..i dunno!!Do u know?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Woman :)

Woman in your life....
You can feel her innocence in form of a daughter...
You can feel her care in form of a sister...
You can feel her warmth in form of a friend....
You can feel her passion in form of a beloved....
You can feel her dedication in form of a wife...
You can feel her divinity in form of a mother...
You can feel her blessings in form of a grandmother....
Yet she is so tough too...
Her heart is so tender....
So naughty....
So charming....
So sharing....
So melodious...
She is a woman....
She is LIFE!!!!!
I received this interesting poem about woman from a friend of mine so
i thought it is good to share with fellow bloggers!