Friday, December 15, 2006

the princess.........

I have never considered myself an attractive girl, I am no head-turner….but yes, things changed when I met him.It was no love at first sight , in fact, it wasn't even love! He was not drop-dead gorgeous or anything, but everything about him makes me wonder how God actually made for me the perfect person,and snatched him right away.

I had met him at my School culture ,he was one of the two in the quiz show, the show whose committee I was heading. I am a great quizzer, but this guy just stunned me , not only for his brilliance but his subtlety, humility and oh, that slight smile that sends shivers down my spine even now, as I think of it.

I watched spellbound for the entire one hour of the quiz show, as he silently discussed every question with his friend, who was obviously not as smart. I watched as he let his friend answer, and gently smiled and noted down the points their team had scored for every correct answer, so different from his friend who made a 'Whooo!' for every correct answer. I was full of admiration for him.

It turned into the pleasantest thing in the world when he looked up and looked me in the eye, the beginnings of a smile evident on his lips. One look, and he made me feel like a princess. I was a princess. His princess. We both knew it. Though it's more than a year since I met him, I am his princess. I will be, even if I never meet him again.


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